Student Gallery
You have the opportunity to create a range of pieces using a variety of skills, whether it's simple ring shapes or more complex casting, we have the facilities to enable you to learn at your own pace.
There are so many fabulous pieces that the students have made, below are just a small selection.

Repurposed jewellery
This beautiful ring was made with an amethyst from a sentimental old ring. We melted the gold to make a new pendant and once the stone was cleaned up we decided it would be perfect in a new ring.

Recycled jewellery
Alex carved a ring from wax, created the mold with delft clay, before melting down a sentimental silver bracelet that was his fathers to make a new and unique piece of jewellery which will be worn for years to come.

Work in Progress
Here Lizzie is constructing a copper bezel setting for the beautful (I use that word a lot!), fossilised something or other... need to check :). The final piece is on the right underneath.